1. Flat stationary scull on the back. Lay flat on your back, perform a figure of 8 motion with your arms. Whilst keeping your legs completely still.
2.Feet first sculling 5m on the back. Perform a feet first sculling action for 5 metres in a flat position on the back.
3. To scull head first for 5 meters and return sculling feet first. Lay on your back and perform the sculling motion. Head facing towards the direction you are moving towards, for 5m. Once completed, complete the same motion, this time with your feet facing towards the direction you are moving towards. For another 5m.
4. Tread water for 30 seconds including arms or legs only. Tread water out of standing depth for 30 seconds arms (vertical sculling) or legs (flatter kick or egg beat kick) only)
5. 3 different shaped jumps into deep water. Perform three different shaped jumps into deep water. (Solder jump, pencil jump, star jump, tuck jump etc.)
6. P&G and swim 1 min Backstroke. Push and glide and swim for 1 min (or 50m) Backstroke (performed to Swim England expected standards.)
7. P&G and swim 1 min Frontcrawl. Push and glide and swim for 1 min (or 50m) Frontcrawl (performed to Swim England expected standards.)
8. P&G and swim 10 meters Breastroke Push and glide and swim 10 metres Breaststroke (performed to Swim England expected standards.)
9. P&G and swim 10 meters Butterfly. Push and glide and swim 10 metres Butterfly (performed to Swim England expected standards.)
10. Handstand min of 5 seconds without support. Perform a handstand by having both arms flat at the bottom of the pool, whilst having your legs straight and in line with your arms, and hold for a minimum of 5 seconds without support
11. Perform a forward summersault. Summersault (no equipment)
12. Help action and perform ‘shout and signal’ rescue. Demonstrate an action for
getting help. Roll on the back and lift one arm nearly vertically, (vertical is harder) then perform a ‘shout and signal’ rescue.
13. (OP) Surface dive. ONLY in correct pool depth. Only in correct pool depth!!! To surface dive in water of at least full reach depth demonstrating good technique.
14. Sitting dive into the deep water and swim 100 m. Perform a sitting dive in the water. Start by being in water with at least full reach depth. Then once you have dived in, swim 100 m of any combination of strokes including correct turn(s), complying with ASA law.
15. 2 drills of each stroke + difference between different drills and full stroke. Be able to perform at least 2 drills on each stroke, and to know the difference between different drills and full stroke and be able to answer WHY the drill is performed.
16. (OP) 25 seconds treading followed by a 25 metres swim. Enter water of at least full reach depth and tread water for 25 seconds, followed by a 25 metres swim. In shallow pools flat stationary sculling can be performed. JUMP INTO THE WATER where possible.
17. 10m Frontcrawl NO goggles. Swim 10m F/C without goggles.